
Publicizing Divorce Details Rarely Productive

Blog, Family Law

By Brad LaMorgese

Today’s celebrity-driven media might be forgiven for pouncing on every little detail in the recent divorce filings between movie stars Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. As the saying goes, give readers what they want.

With this latest Hollywood divorce becoming something of a spectator sport, a deep divide has emerged between those supporting Depp and those who believe Heard has spent the past four years living a nightmare.

When the details of a celebrity divorce become public, it can been hard to look away. Increasingly, the same can be said for divorces of the not so rich and famous, as social media oversharing has become the norm. While some celebrities may covet the public limelight, even in a divorce, such scorched-earth tactics not only can negatively impact legal proceedings, but can also damage the well-being of those who are breaking up.

No matter how hurt you may be emotionally, you should resist the urge to rant on social media or start a word-of-mouth campaign maligning your partner. While it is helpful to have trusted confidants who will support you through this rocky time, the details of what happened are no one’s business but yours. It is certainly not the concern of a friend from third grade who you recently rediscovered on Facebook. Whatever comfort might be gained from getting family and friends “on your side” will eventually erode and can serve to open the floodgates to your partner’s attacks on you.

Legal matters are rarely, if ever, best served by being tried in the court of public opinion, and that is particularly true when it comes to family law matters. For assistance navigating your divorce, contact the attorneys of ONDA Family Law firm.