Division Of Real Estate Of all the real estate issues that come up in the course of a Dallas divorce, the division of real property can be one of the…
Is Texas A Community Property State?
Texas is, indeed, a community property state. This has specific implications for how property is divided in the event of a divorce. Understanding the laws that govern property division in…
How Adultery Can Impact The Outcome Of Divorce
Adultery is a frequent cause of divorces, in Texas and across the United States. However, because Texas is a no-fault divorce state, you do not need a specific reason to…
Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce in Texas
Going through a divorce can be a stressful, upsetting experience. It does not help when you have outstanding questions about Texas divorces. If you have specific questions about Texas divorce,…
What Are Considered Commingled Assets In A Texas Divorce?
The average marriage, which ends in divorce, lasts about eight years. During this time period, community property and separate property often commingle (mix together). For example, the Wife might…
Why You Should Consider Divorce Mediation
If you are planning to file for divorce, or if you are in the early stages of separating from your spouse and making plans for divorce in Texas, you…
What Reasons Are Considered Grounds for Divorce in Texas?
If you are considering divorce in Texas, you are likely concerned about whether you are eligible for a divorce and whether or not you will need to prove certain…
Know When to File for Divorce in Texas
Divorce in Texas If you are thinking about filing for divorce in Texas, it is important to consider the timing of your petition for dissolution of marriage. Not only…
Understanding Marital and Non-Marital Property
Are you considering divorce in Dallas? Whether you get divorced in Dallas or elsewhere in Texas, it is critical to understand how the Texas Family Code will classify your…
Holly Rampy Baird Discusses COVID-19’s Implications on Divorce Cases & Hearings on WFAA’s Good Morning Texas
COVID-19 has implicated almost every element of our daily lives, and complicated domestic situations and divorce are no exception. Orsinger, Nelson, Downing & Anderson partner Holly Rampy Baird appeared on…