It can be said that there is somewhat of an art and science to an oral argument for an appeal. This matter is subject to much debate. What is the…
A Federal Family Law Case (Constitutional Issues and International Parental Kidnapping)
Family law is generally confined to the state courts. That is because each state decides its own matrimonial and domestic relations law. So it is very rare for a federal…
I’ve gone to the Court of Appeals, now what relief may I get?
It is very important, when deciding to appeal, to find out what relief the appeals court can give. Will the appeals court change the decision, or just send me back…
What is the Process to go to the Texas Supreme Court in an Appeal?
The Texas Supreme Court process is a bit different from the Court of Appeals process. The Texas Supreme Court, unlike the Court of Appeals, is a court of petition. This…
What is the state court appellate process in Texas generally like?
The process for an appeal begins in the trial court. This is the time to request findings of fact and conclusions of law: Finding out the trial court’s reasoning for…
What does the standard of review mean on appeal in a family law case in Texas?
When a case gets to an appeal, the appellate court generally looks at the documents and filings in the lower court as well as the transcripts of the trial and…
What is the process for an appeal in Texas and how long will it take?
These are very good questions and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Generally, a more complex case with more issues on appeal will take longer than a simple case with few…
Should I file a motion for new trial if I receive a bad ruling from the trial judge?
By Brad LaMorgese Generally, in Texas, a motion for new trial is a good idea if one party is unhappy with the judge’s ruling. A motion for new trial…
Is it true that the judge has to tell me the basis of the ruling after trial?
After a trial, the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure allow either party to request what is called findings of fact and conclusions of law. The judge has to then specify…
Is There a Deadline for Me to File an Appeal of a Judgment?
How long can I take to appeal a final judgment? This is a very good question. If you are appealing too late, then the Court of Appeals will not have…